WebXam Docs

Education Portfolio

Instructions for Teaching Professions Portfolio Rubric Teachers and Assessors

All students enrolled in career-technical education Teaching Professions programs in Ohio assemble a portfolio to document their learning. Submitted portfolios will be scored by two assessors using a rubric developed by the Ohio Department of Education, working with the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE). The composite score for each student can be used in the calculation of the state technical skill attainment indicator of performance (2S1) specified by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006.

ODE contracted with CETE at The Ohio State University, the maintainers of the WebXam online assessment system, to host an online system for the collection of portfolio scores. A Teaching Professions teacher sets up a WebXam account for each assessor who will be scoring portfolios for students of that teacher. An assessor will log in to the WebXam website, choose a student, and enter scores for each section of the Teaching Professions portfolio rubric.

NOTE: Portfolios should not be formally scored by teachers of record, as this constitutes a violation of ODE Office of CTE policy. It is appropriate, however, for a teacher to provide feedback to students through a “mock scoring process” which would be done BEFORE the formal scoring in the WebXam online system.


In this section, the following terms refer to specific roles filled by individuals:

  • The assessor is the professional educator who is scoring Teaching Professions portfolios and entering these scores into the WebXam system (may be HS staff or affiliated post-secondary staff).
  • The teacher is the Teaching Professions teacher of the student whose portfolio is under consideration. A teacher can be an assessor for other teachers’ students, but will not be the assessor for his or her own students.
  • The student is the individual receiving instruction in the pathway. Students produce portfolios as their original work, according to established guidelines, which are then submitted to the teacher who activates two assessors who receive log-in credentials for WebXam