Teacher Review Workshops

WebXam’s Teacher Review Workshop offers instructors the opportunity to review and provide feedback on WebXam’s operational test forms within a formal proctored setting. This process is intended to enhance instructor familiarity with how student’s skills are evaluated, enabling them to better tailor their instruction. 

Workshops are typically held at the Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE), situated on the West Campus of The Ohio State University. However, under special arrangements, a limited number of Teacher Review Workshops may be hosted at alternative locations (see details below). 

General Teacher Review Workshop Policies

  • Sharing any information or test content attained during the review is strictly prohibited. Participants are required to sign an electronic nondisclosure agreement before accessing any tests. 
  • Teachers may review a test once per test life cycle. The test life cycle denotes the duration between significant test revisions prompted by updates to course content standards. Notably, reviewing tests during the Field Test phase will preclude further reviews of the finalized tests during that life cycle. 
  • Teachers will have access to the tests in the pathway they were assigned during registration, excluding any tests they have previously reviewed. They will have the flexibility to choose which tests they wish to review in the time allotted. 
  • After reviewing the tests, teachers will have access to their overall scores. However, please note that correct answers will not be provided. 

CETE-Hosted Teacher Review Workshop Policies

Workshops held at CETE require a per-teacher fee of $60, payable via Credit Card or Purchase Order (P.O.). to cover WebXam staff time and preparation. Before registering, determine whether you will use a credit card or Purchase Order as payment will be required during the registration process. If paying via Purchase Order, a digital copy of the P.O. is necessary. 

Registration can be completed at https://review.webxam.org/

Purchase Orders can be made out to:
The Ohio State University – CETE 
1900 Kenny Road
Columbus OH, 43210

  • Upcoming workshop dates are listed on the registration page. Please note that the number of available seats is limited, and registration will close once all seats for a particular date have been claimed. 
  • “AM” sessions begin at 9 AM and end at 12 PM and afternoon “PM” sessions begin at 1 PM and end at 3 PM, unless otherwise noted. 
  • To cancel or change your registration, you must send an email to support@webxam.org at least 5 business days prior to the session. Seats for each workshop are limited. Users who register and do not cancel or are no shows will be charged the full amount.
  • Teachers will use OSU-owned iPads to review tests at CETE. Participants are prohibited from accessing personal items (electronics, purses, bags, or other items) during the test-review session. 
  • CETE-hosted workshops take place at:
    CETE – The Ohio State University
    1900 Kenny Road
    Columbus OH, 43210 

Questions or inquiries can be directed to WebXam Support at email: support@webxam.org.

District and/or School-Hosted Teacher Review Workshop Policies

  • Reviews can be held outside of CETE premises at local districts or schools if a request is made.  (Needs the survey link inserted) Click here to initiate the request process.  A District and/or School Hosted Teacher Review can minimize costs for district personnel. WebXam staff will prepare a quote and contract for the district or school and, if accepted, WebXam staff will travel to the district or school to conduct the review. 
  • Due to recent changes to OSU policies, WebXam staff can no longer travel for reviews during the spring semester. As most system updates occur in the summer, we typically do not schedule Teacher Reviews during May, June, or July.  Therefore, please be mindful of this when submitting your request for a review for (August – mid-December.) Please feel free to contact us about scheduling a review at CETE on OSU’s West Campus as an alternative. The quote for a review is based on staff time and travel costs instead of a flat cost per teacher. 
  • The minimum number of participants is 35 teachers. If less than 35 teachers attend the review, the hosting organization will be charged for the cost of 35 teachers. However, the hosting school or district can also invite teachers from nearby areas to participate if they have less than 35 teachers sign up. 
  • For smaller groups or reviews in the spring semester, WebXam may be able to schedule a CETE-hosted review on the requested date, depending on the volume of teachers and WebXam staff availability. This requires at least four weeks’ notice