2024-25 WebXam User’s Workshop


The 2024-2025 WebXam User’s Workshop is fast approaching. We are excited to host this workshop designed to enhance your understanding and proficiency in utilizing the WebXam platform for assessment and educational purposes. Whether you are a teacher, administrator, or staff member, this workshop aims to provide valuable insights and practical knowledge to optimize your experience using WebXam.

  • Time and Date: Friday, October 4th, 2025, from 9:00 AM to noon download calendar ics
  • Location: CETE and Virtual
  • Cost: Free

Workshop Highlights:

  • Introduction to WebXam: Overview of the platform’s features and benefits.
  • Navigating the System: Hands-on guidance on accessing and using various tools.
  • Best Practices: Discover effective strategies for maximizing the potential of WebXam.
  • Analyzing Results: Utilizing WebXam’s Reports to gain valuable insights into student performance.
  • Creating Assessments: Learn how WebXam develops assessments and how to participate.
  • Q&A Session: Get answers to your specific questions and concerns.
Info: The last WebXam User’s Workshop was held on October 10th, 2023. An archived recording of the workshop is available for individuals who were not able to attend the live session. The slides that make up the prepared remarks from the presentation are available here. These slides do not include the parts of the presentation walkthroughs that were done live