What happens with a student’s score after an assessment is submitted on the WebXam website?
Scores can be used in two ways. As a student’s teacher or administrator, you can review the student’s score using the score reports on the WebXam website. Secondly, the score may be included in a data file (the “output file”) generated in June for entry into the Ohio Department of Education’s (ODE) Education Management Information System (EMIS). This following set of questions addresses the output file.
When are student scores reported?
At the beginning of June, the maintainers of WebXam generate an output file for each school district with data on all students who completed tests during that school year. Output files are made available to Ohio’s 23 Information Technology Centers (ITCs). After retrieving these files, an ITC provides the data to the school district. The district must ensure that scores are reported into EMIS for ODE to use in calculating Technical Skill Attainment (2S1) for Perkins reporting.
Each ITC coordinates with its member districts how the WebXam output file is managed for both local and state EMIS reporting and compliancy. Services that ITCs may provide include import and export tools for WebXam data.
Additionally, ITCs may support the development of the PRE-ID file. Each school district must know what services its ITC provides for WebXam data, and must ensure that WebXam data is reported in EMIS.
What is the ITC for my school district?
You can find information at the following websites:
- Information Technology Center Directory: listing of all ITCs
- Ohio Educational Directory System: form to look up ITC by school district
Are WebXam scores entered directly into EMIS?
No. The maintainers of WebXam do not have access to EMIS. WebXam score data is made available to ITCs so that districts can enter the scores into EMIS.
Which students are included in the output files?
All secondary students who have taken an operational WebXam assessment in the current school year are included in the output files. Grade level and archive status are not considered when the output files are generated. The WebXam output files will include students whose accounts:
- are marked as juniors, sophomores, or freshmen in the WebXam system.
- are archived in the WebXam system.
Scores for these students will appear on score reports generated on the WebXam website and will appear in the output files for the ITCs.
What if a junior, sophomore, or freshman in my district completes testing and passes, but does not take an assessment as a senior?
The student does not have to take an assessment during the senior year. When a student is reported as a CTE Concentrator, ODE will determine whether the student has EVER had a passing score for an assessment aligned with the CTE Program of Concentration.
ODE will review all technical assessment data ever reported in EMIS for a CTE Concentrator. If any reported score is passing, regardless of the grade level, then ODE will count the student as passing the technical assessment.
Please note:
- If an underclassman takes a test, the student has the option of retaking the test the following year. The student will be considered by ODE to be passing if the student passes the assessment in any year.
What if a junior, sophomore, or freshman in my district only takes a few modules and gets a low score?
The score will still be included in the output file, even though it is incomplete. However, the student can then complete the modular sequence during the senior year, and the new score will be included in the output file for that year. As long as one of the scores entered into EMIS is passing, then the student will be considered passing when reported as a CTE Concentrator.
What if a student begins testing and then transfers or withdraws?
The score will still be included in the output file for the ITC. Again, however, a school district always determines what data to report in EMIS.