WebXam Docs

Test Security Violations and Incident Reporting

  • Any alleged test security violation, any unethical testing practice, or any violation of the school’s security procedures is to be reported to ODE’s Office of Career Technical Education as soon as the alleged violation becomes known to the district or participating school. WebXam staff would appreciate being informed as well.The school district or participating school shall file a written report with ODE-CTE delineating the cause and results of the investigation within 10 days after the investigation is completed. If the investigation determines that a violation did in fact occur, any of several consequences may follow:
  • Student test scores may be invalidated for the testing cycle.
  • Same-year retakes of affected  assessments may be prohibited.
  • A district board of education, after appropriate procedures are followed, may suspend orterminate employees found guilty of cheating or helping a student to cheat.
  • The State Board of Education, following appropriate procedures, may suspend a certificate or license.
  • A law enforcement agency, following an appropriate investigation, may prosecute under the state criminal code