WebXam Docs

How should I prepare for testing?

Before the testing day, the District Test Coordinator (or designated administrator or teacher) should do the following:

  1. Make sure any new teachers are added into the WebXam system and the teacher’s account has the correct state teacher ID entered.
  2. Make sure your students are added into the system and the student’s account has been enabled.
  3. Check that all IEP students in the system have an accommodation listed in their student profile.
  4. For the tests that have a fee, make sure tests are ordered for the teachers who need them. Also, be sure that the teachers who are administering those purchased tests have enough credits assigned to them to activate the tests.
  5. Make sure the correct test(s) are assigned to the students.
    1. First, access your student roster.
    2. Click the green “+” sign to expand that student’s information.
    3. If the correct test(s) are not listed, select the “Edit User” button to add the test needed.
    4. If a student is taking a test outside of their reported pathway, these can be added in the “Additional Test” box by using the dropdown to select the tests.
  6. Make sure those tests that have been assigned to students have been activated. Refer to the Activating Tests section for instructions if needed.
  7. Ensure that the students have their usernames and access codes.
    1. To print out a list of student usernames and access codes the test session needs activated first, and then a printable testing roster can be downloaded and printed.
    2. Testing rosters for upcoming testing sessions may be downloaded after test activation using the “Reports” > “Activations” report.
    3. Additionally, usernames and access codes can be accessed the day of the test using the “List” menu.
      1. On the left navigation bar, click the “Secondary Student” button (or the “Adult Students” button, depending on who is testing that day).
      2. In that dropdown, click the “List” button.
      3. When the roster table is visible, click the “Show Access Codes” button in the group of buttons above the table.
      4. Provide each student with their username and access code.
  8. Remind students to bring a four-function calculator, if applicable, on the day of testing. Calculators are permitted when taking WebXam assessments.
  9. Have scratch paper and pencils available for students.

Note: Any scratch paper should be provided by the proctor and collected and destroyed by the proctor upon completion of testing.