WebXam Docs

Activating Tests

WebXam’s “Activate Test” menu offers a step-by-step process to assist authorized users in determining a list of students who are eligible to test. The eligibility of students is based on various factors such as the provided information (e.g., teacher, program, and course), their testing history, and account status. Only student accounts that meet the selected criteria and are eligible for testing are displayed. Once the date/time and students are selected the test activation window can be scheduled by submitting the form.

A test activation window refers to a one-hour period during which a test link becomes available in an activated student’s account. It’s important to note that the test activation window does not count towards the allotted time for the student to complete the test. The student’s test timer begins only when they open the test by following the provided link in their account.

If a test activation window expires without the student initiating the test, it is possible to reschedule the activation window. By default, activation windows commence immediately. However, it is also possible to select a later start time using the “Activation Start Time” panel, with the option to schedule the activation window up to seven days in advance.

Upon successfully scheduling a test activation window, you will be presented with the option to download the student login information. This option allows you to obtain a PDF file that can be easily printed and distributed to students on the day of the test for their convenience. Scheduling tests in advance may allow you extra time to prepare the printed “testing tickets”. If you need to download the student login codes again, you can do so using the “Activations” report in WebXam.

Multiple tests scheduled on the same day will use the same access codes. If you are scheduling tests over multiple days, each day will have different access codes.

Activation Step-by-Step

  1. Login at the WebXam home page.
  2. Click on “Activate Test” on the left navigation bar.
  3. Select the name of the teacher who taught the course in the “Select the Teacher” dropdown. Click “Next”.
  4. In “Select the test type” you can choose either “Pre-Test”, “Posttest”, “Practice Test” or “Saved Tests”. Click “Next”. (Note: Only the test types with open testing windows will be shown.)
  5. In the “Select the Program” dropdown, choose the program you want to test in. Click “Next.”
  6. In the “Select the Course” dropdown, choose the course you are testing. Click “Next”.
  7. This will open the “Select the Students” roster. In the check box on the left-hand side of the student roster, choose the students who need to take the test. Once they are chosen, click “Activate.” Those students are now set up to take that practice test for the chosen course.


  • Verify all student accommodations before activating a test (accommodation icons are provided for verification during activation). Tests cannot be reset or retaken due to incorrect accommodation settings.
  • Students that closed their test due to an emergency or by accident can restart their test if the test activation widow is still active by logging in again. If the test activation window has expired a teacher or administrator may reactivate the test by choosing the “Saved Test” type in the “Test Activation” menu.

Troubleshooting Test Activation

The WebXam test activation process only displays accounts matching the selected criteria. If a student account is missing from the test activation list, verify the student’s account information under the “Secondary Student” > “List” menu (click the green plus icon to show all student data) and verify the following information:

  • The student is not disabled or archived.
  • The student’s program and teacher are correctly assigned.
  • The student has not tested previously in the same testing year, or they are eligible for a test retake (a 30-day wait is required after initial testing).
  • The student does not already have an active test session for the test being scheduled (test listed as In-Progress on their account).

If you are not able to see a student account or for help rostering your student’s data, contact your district’s WebXam administrator.