WebXam Docs

Are accommodations available for students with IEPs or 504s?

Yes, several testing accommodations are available for students with academic accommodations. When entering or editing a student’s personal information, use the “Accommodation” dropdown menu to select the appropriate accommodation based on the students’ IEP or 504 plan.

The following accommodations are listed in the dropdown menu associated with the online registration page for the student:

Accommodation Description
Time and a Half student is provided 1.5x the default test time
Double Time student is provided 2x the default test time
Unlimited Time test session is not time limited
A Reader is Required (With Unlimited Time) enables browser-based Text-to-Speech or Proctor based test reading

For any students who require the following accommodations, contact WebXam support.

  • Paper and Pencil / Large Print
  • Braille
  • Interpreter or Dictionary

Assessment accommodations or special testing conditions are the responsibility of the test site.

As a test administrator, you should:

  • make sure the examinees are aware of the accommodations available to them prior to the test date.
  • evaluate examinees’ requests and provide reasonable accommodations.
  • set up all accommodations before assigning tests to students.

By default, test items are presented shuffled within a test in order to enhance security (e.g., students sitting next to each other will not see the same item when looking at item number 10). When a “reader is required” accommodation is chosen, the test items are not shuffled to allow a reader to work with multiple students simultaneously.

Accommodations that do not directly impact the manner in which the test is administered should be addressed but do not need to be indicated in WebXam. Such accommodations may include enhanced lighting and sound, special tables or chairs, and signaling the start and end of the test by appropriate means.


Assistance in recording responses: When an examinee is unable to key responses into the computer, testing personnel may key answers as an examinee indicates responses. If an examinee is giving verbal responses for testing personnel to record, the assessments must be administered in a separate room from other examinees. Please note that several assessments contain a large number of graphics that may be difficult for someone else to describe.

Accommodating examinees who are learning the English language (EL): Examinees who are learning the English language may use a foreign language dictionary as an accommodation during assessment. The examinee or the school district must supply the dictionary. The test administrator must check the dictionary both before and after testing to ensure it does not contain notes or other unauthorized testing aids. Extended time (time-and-a-half) may be added as an accommodation for EL students using a dictionary at the district’s discretion. In addition, a translator could serve as the reader, in this case the Unlimited Time accommodation may be applied.

Accommodation Questions: Should you have questions or concerns about accommodations for students with disabilities, please see the Ohio Department of Education’s Students with Disabilities in Career Tech page.