WebXam Docs

What happens if an unforeseen event (e.g., fire drill, power outage, loss of Internet connection) occurs during a test?

As a student progresses through a test, his or her responses to each question are recorded by the website. If an unforeseen event occurs (e.g. fire drill, power outage, loss of Internet connection), a student may login on WebXam at a later time and resume the test exactly where he or she left off.

If a student must leave a test early due to a fire drill or similar situation:

  1. Have the student close the test using the “Close” link at the top left side of the screen or by closing the browser window.
  2. To record the student’s last answer, the student should click ahead to the next question. If a student has not yet answered the current item, he or she can just close the test. If a student closes a test before he or she has finished, a student can reenter a test if it was closed less than 60 minutes after it was activated by following the directions used to begin testing. If the test is closed more than 60 minutes after it was activated, an administrator or teacher will need to reactivate the student for a saved test.

If the power goes out:

If the power goes out but comes back on within 60 minutes after the test was activated, the student can reenter the test by following the direction used to begin testing. If the test is closed more than 60 minutes after it was activated, an administrator or teacher will need to reactivate the student for a saved test.

If the Internet connection fails:

  1. Have the student close the test using the “Close” link at the top left side of the screen or closing the browser window.
  2. If a test is open when the Internet connection fails, you might have a full screen displaying “Page cannot be displayed.”  Close the browser window.
  3. When the Internet connection is restored, a student can reenter a test if it is less than 60 minutes after it was activated by following the directions used to begin testing. If it is more than 60 minutes after it was activated, an administrator or teacher will need to reactivate the student for a saved test.