WebXam Docs

Assessor Instructions

Logging in

  1. After receiving your WebXam account email, follow the link to create a password.
  2. Use your username (e.g., lastname.1) and your new password to login to https://webxam.org.

Accepting the WebXam User Agreement

  1. Select the checkbox agreeing to the terms of the agreement
  2. Select “Save”

Rating Portfolios

  1. Select the “Portfolio” menu item to begin
  2. Choose the first student whose portfolio you have agreed to rate from the list.
    If the student does not appear in the list, you may have already reviewed the portfolio. If not, please contact the teacher to ensure the student’s account is active, they have the 350010 test assigned and the student’s portfolio still requires rating.
  3. Select “Go” to begin rating
  4. You’ll see a form similar to the Rubric available on ODE’s website.
  5. Complete the form by selecting a rating in each category and including any comments. Please note that if you are on this page for a long period of time, you will be prompted occasionally to ensure you are still using the site. Please select “Keep my session going” to avoid losing any work.
  6. At any time you may select “Save” to save your work and continue later. Please note that if you do not come back later and submit your ratings, the student’s portfolio may not have enough ratings to be completed.
  7. When you have completed all ratings and comments select “Submit Portfolio”
  8. If you have additional ratings to perform, you can return to step 2, otherwise you can log out of WebXam.