WebXam Docs

Reports Available

Score reports for the WebXam tests provide results relative to performance standards. These performance standard scores are criterion-referenced and are uniform across the state. Several reporting options are available within the WebXam system.

Performance standards include non-proficient, proficient, and advanced proficiency; however, these standards vary by specific course.

These options include:

  1. Summary Report: Provides a high-level view of tests that have been delivered through the WebXam system. Run this report to view a breakdown by the teacher and test to view the number of students who took and passed assessments.
    Available To: Administrators, Teachers
  2. Testing Report: Displays student achievement by course. Includes aggregate data and statewide comparison information.
    Available To: Administrators, Teachers
  3. Pathway Report: Provides a  detailed analysis by pathway of student achievement. Includes aggregate data and statewide comparison information.
    Available To: Administrators, Teachers
  4. Teacher Effectiveness Report: Allows Teachers and Administrators to judge student gain by tests taken. This information can be used as part of a teacher improvement process.
    Available To: Administrators, Teachers
  5. End of Year Export: Shows the pathway score and end-of-course test results for all students that have tested in the selected year. This report can be used to verify testing has occurred and that student pathways are correct. WebXam sends this data to your school district’s ITC and (in limited form) to EMIS at the end of the school year.
    Available To: Administrators
  6. Outcome Report: Displayed detailed breakdowns of questions answered by Standard Outcomes.  Can be set in combination with pre-tests to drive instruction or with post-tests to identify areas to improve lessons. For administrators, this report will show all teachers and allow for a multi-teacher download.
    Available To: Administrators, Teachers
  7. Activations Report: Displays all test activations at a certain time in the past or all upcoming/current activations.
    Available To: Administrators, Teachers